HELL-BENT® Titanium Money Clip | Hulk


HULK SMASH! Yet another limited release of one of our all time favorite super hero, THE HULK! This Marvel money clip is coated with a black Cerakote that is as strong as the Hulk himself!

Cerakote is a composite epoxy coating that is made with a polymer-ceramic based finish. Cerakote ceramic coating enhances a number of physical performance properties including abrasion/wear resistance, corrosion resistance, chemical resistance, impacted strength, and hardness.

All of our medium and large HELL-BENT® Wallets are compatible with each of our money clips.

Your Hulk money clip will come with a skid plate that will help you slide your cash under the money clip with ease. ALL CLIPS COME WITH A COMPLIMENTARY SKID PLATE. ADDITIONAL SKID PLATES CAN BE PURCHASED IN THE SWAG SECTION.